Cuisine: Nikkei (Peruvian-Japanese)
Address: Calle Lérida No. 5
Barcelona, 08004
Owner: BCN 5.0 - Albert Adrià, Ferran Adrià, Juan Carlos Iglesias,
Borja Iglesias, Pedro Iglesias
Chefs: Kyoko li, Jorge Muñóz
Architects/ Interior Design/ Artwork: EL EQUIPO CREATIVO - Natali Canas del Pozo,
Olivier Franz Schmidt
Capacity: 32
Details: Albert Adrià´s vision on Nikkei cuisine
Nikkei cuisine - Merge of Japanese immigrants´ cuisine with the ones of their
host countries in Latin America, mainly with the Peruvian
Peruvian cuisine was the most influenced and enriched by the Japanese one
Located next to Tickets and 41°, in Barcelona´s El Paral·lel